Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weight Loss and Diet Accountability

Alright--no more him hawing around. I must, must do this!

I'm bound and determined to make 2009 the best year I've had in means of accomplishing things. I already have a pretty extensive goal list, and it has really helped me to keep on track this year. One of my many goals is to lose weight, and get healthy. Quite honestly, that has been a goal for about 7 years now--ever since I've had my daughter.

I won't go too much into specifics, but I was on birth control after having her, and little did we know that due to a blood clotting disorder, that was not a good plan. I gained a lot of weight, which I fully blame on the birth control, and maybe another health issue that I keep putting off getting checked (hey, it's on the list!). Anyway, I've literally been on a yo-yo for the last 7 years.

I could stand to lose about 50 lbs. I know that that won't all happen this year, but I would love it if I could lose atleast 20--hopefully 10 by summer.

Problem here is, I don't own a scale. I would be on it all the time, and I know that that isn't how it is supposed to work. But, I do hope that in the next month or so, I will be more comfortable with having one, and be able to us it "properly".

Thankfully, my husband is fully on board with me on this. He, due to bad cholesterol levels, is on a forced diet, and we're doing it as a family. I look forward to this adventure and to what we can accomplish and learn together!

Thanks so much to Janet for posting her journey, and getting me even more amped to start mine!

I know that it won't be all too interesting, but I'm going to start posting my food intake, and exercise so that I am accountable for my actions. The blogosphere is good for that!

Do you have healthy recipes or exercise routines to share?

1 comment:

Heather@justdoingmybest said...

Great idea and best wishes on that! I am in your boat too, but don't have any exercise routines yet.

I desperately need them and will be watching to see what you come up with. Maybe we can have a friendly competition?!